

Dates: June 29th - July 7th


This trip will have us dipping our toes in the chilly waters of riversides, splashing at each other as we visit waterfalls and feel the wind on our cheeks. We shall hike up to a high altitude lake that goes by the name of Dhankar and have a picnic beside it. We shall enter sceneries that look like desktop wallpapers as we visit Pin Valley
Plus if you’re looking for a slice of serenity, come indulge in the Buddhist charm as we wander about centuries old monasteries, listen to the prayer flags flutter and sink into the peaceful aura of this Buddhist land. We’ll even tick off a couple of milestones! We’re visiting the highest village accessible via a motorable road in the entire world, Asia’s highest bridge anddd the world’s highest post office! Plus a trip to the magnificent Chandrataal Lake which with its blue waters, surrounding peaks and grassland is a sight so beautiful that we have to pinch ourselves to believe that it’s real.

Day 0: On Friday, 28th August, land in Chandigarh by 10pm (Late enough to not need a leave ;)). (Alternatively, if you want to board the bus from Delhi, we can help with the same too – contact us). Overnight bus journey from Chandigarh to Manali.

Day 1: Welcome to Manaliii. Sit by the riverside, try paragliding (optional), gallivant around Solang Valley, go cafe hopping in the evening and get to know your gang! O/N Manali

Day 2: Start for Kaza via the scenic Atal Tunnel route. Stop at an offbeat waterfall gushing with all its might! (A Migrant Musings & Co. special) Admire the tall towering peaks at Kunzum Pass en route. O/N Kaza

Day 3: Let’s sink into the valley’s peaceful charm by visiting the centuries old Key Monastery located on the edge of a hill, followed by exploring Khibber village. O/N Kaza

Day 4: Unleash your adventurous self as we hike to Dhankar Lake. Lakeside picnic anyone? Pay your respects at Dhankar Monastery. Drive off to Tabo while singing and playing games along the way! O/N Tabo

Day 5: Enter an otherworldly aura as we observe the unique Tabo monastery. Day trip to Mudh Village in Pin Valley. Who wants to splash some ice cold water on their new friends? Who wants to laugh beside a waterfall?! Later, drive back to Kaza. O/N Kaza

Day 6: Check out fossils at Langza, head to the highest village in the world accessible via a motorable road – Komic (15,500ft!) and send your loved ones postcards from the world’s highest post office, Hikkim! O/N Kaza

Day 7: Start early morning for Chandrataal – one of the most spectacular lakes in India. In a Migrant Musings & Co. special style we shall be walking to certain hidden gems too! O/N Chandrataal

Day 8: Leave for Manali right in the morning. Say hello to Chacha Chachi at the famous Chandra Dhabba. Make your last night count as we dance away in Manali! O/N Manali

Day 9: Treat yourself to a nice and lazy day before your vacation ends. Come evening we’ll take the bus back to Chandigarh.

Day 10: Monday early morning, fly back to your home cities (in time to not miss work!). Bid farewell but only with the promise of meeting again!